Well-known Apex Legends leaker Shrugtal has uncovered a potential buff for Rampart in the battle royale’s game files and, if implemented, it would surely constitute a significant meta shake-up. 

Since her introduction back in Season 6 of Apex Legends, Rampart has struggled to make a meaningful impact on the battle royale’s meta.

Despite the strength and uniqueness of the Sheila turret and her Amped Cover barricades, the naturally defensive nature of them has seen the Amped Modder constantly on the periphery. That has continued into Season 12, where her pick rate is a woeful 1.5% – putting her 20th out of 20 legends.

However, following on from some Season 10 buffs, she could be set for a major strengthening if leaked game files come to fruition.

Rampart’s Sheila minigun and Amped Cover make her a defensive and fairly niche legend.

According to veteran leaker Shrugtal, multiple buffs for Rampart are present in the game files but did not quite make the most recent update.

If the leaker’s information is correct, the potential buff would improve just about every aspect of Rampart’s character, including significant improvements to her Amped Cover Tactical.

“Rampart buffs for the Amped Cover in the files that didn’t make the final cut and are currently not in-game,” he said, before outlining the changes that could be made. “Initial building health: 40 -> 120 Upper arm shield extension delay: 0.25 -> 0.10 Front armor deploy duration: 0.5 -> 0.3 Placement delay: 0.5 -> 0.3”.

Some considered its post date – April 1 – to be indicative of a prank on Shrugtal’s behalf but, with corresponding game code being shared, it does appear to be in the games files and simply unreleased as of this article’s publication.

Rampart buffs for the Amped Cover in the files that didn't make the final cut and are currently not in-game:

Initial building health: 40 -> 120
Upper arm shield extension delay: 0.25 -> 0.10
Front armor deploy duration: 0.5 -> 0.3
Placement delay: 0.5 -> 0.3

— Shrugtal (@shrugtal) April 1, 2022

It’s not clear when – or if – Respawn intend to release the buff, but it would represent a major strengthening of one of the BR’s most maligned characters.

Season 13 seems a possible release date, expected in early-mid May. Or maybe it’s all an April Fools and the joke’s on us.
