Strip lights bend great on a single plane but not side to side. One solution is to buy an LED strip light jumper connector, cut the strip light, and then attach the connector in the middle. This allows you to bend the 2 sections of strip in any direction as you can see from the image.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, can LED strip lights be bent?Yes and no. You can bend standard, non-waterproof LED strip tape around corners – as long as you bend them at the ‘cut’ line. Alternatively, for trickier angles, you can cut the LED strip light and solder a wire between the separate lengths to carry the power supply.Also Know, how long can you leave LED strip lights on for? 50,000 hours Likewise, how flexible are LED strips? LED strips are designed to be very flexible. Their PCBs (printed circuit boards) are so robust that many LED tape products can be bent up to 90 degrees with no difficulty. But be aware that higher-power LED strips are less flexible than lower-power ones.Can you leave LED strip lights on all night?Yes – as long as your led fixture is properly cooled, and properly wired. Second of all, wood is not a very good heatsink, so smearing a few meters of led strips directly to the bottoms of kitchen cabinets is going to reduce the leds lifespan to a year if you’re lucky.
