Crysis 3

Our final benchmark in our suite needs no introduction. With Crysis 3, Crytek has gone back to trying to kill computers, taking back the “most punishing game” title in our benchmark suite. Only in a handful of setups can we even run Crysis 3 at its highest (Very High) settings, and that’s still without AA. Crysis 1 was an excellent template for the kind of performance required to drive games for the next few years, and Crysis 3 looks to be much the same for 2013.

Our final benchmark goes out with another solid victory for the GTX 760. 1080p at Very High quality isn’t going to be a great experience – this is Crysis, after all – but 1080p at High quality will see the GTX 760 average just shy of 60fps, 14% ahead of the 7950B. Also once again the GTX 760 ends up being very close to the GTX 670, trailing it by just 2%.

Meanwhile taking one last look at our older cards, the GTX 760 is decidedly average, outperforming the GTX 560 Ti by 68% here. The gap over the GTX 460 is larger yet, at 113%.
